We have extensive knowledge and experience on offshore installations performing surveys in visual inspection /
condition monitoring / pre-docking / eddy current / magnetic particle inspection / ultrasonic testing / liquid penetrant inspection. Our inspectors are all qualified to PCN standard for NDT
inspections, Cswip for weld inspection and IRATA for rope access.
MIS are approved for using drone and rope access / video for close up survey by DNV, LR and ClassNK for the
surveyor's inspection. This reduces staging costs hughly.
MIS are certified by DNV for NDT of classification projects in accordance with DNV-CP-0484. We also provide
services for installation of pipework on derricks, bow riser connection / disconnection and weld repairs with coded welders / NDT using rope access.
If you would like to discuss a project or arrange a quote, please feel free to email us
at info@marinspec.com, or phone us on +44 (0)1305 257